Despite being so simple, these enchiladas are mouth wateringly delicious. In less time than you can get Chinese delivered, you can being sitting down to hot and cheesy beef enchiladas.
Feel free to add anything that you have around the kitchen… rice, beans, guacamole, onions and peppers… Live it up! Life is about change:) I tend to shy away from “recipes” and gravitate towards dinners that you can throw together and feel comfortable changing at will. Don’t feel like you have to follow this exactly, change it to your liking.
1 pound of ground beef
1 can refried beans
1 can condensed cheddar cheese soup (More time than money? Try this home made version here)
1 onion
12 flour tortillas taco size
2 cans enchilada sauce (or try making your own here)
2 cups cheddar cheese
Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Brown the ground beef. Chop an onion while it browns (or be lazy and stick it in a mini food processor…I won’t tell). Mix in a can of refried beans and cheddar cheese soup with the ground beef. Add the onions and combine over medium heat. Spoon a bit of enchilada sauce onto the bottom of a pan (we use a 9×13 baking dish), then fill tortillas with beef mixture, roll and place seam side down in the pan. Spoon enchilada sauce over the tortillas and sprinkle (or pile… it’s all good) cheddar cheese over the tortillas and sauce.
Bake at 350 degrees for 20 minutes then serve and enjoy!
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