You have a goal. We all do. Whether it be a family trip to Disney World, buying a house, reducing your spending enough to stay home with your kids, or going back to college. The question is… How much do you want it? What are you willing to give up to achieve your dreams?
There are hundreds of ways to reduce your spending. They range from easy with little sacrifice to incredibly difficult. Every day you make decisions that either bring you closer to your goals or further away.
In my entire career, I never thought I would want to stay home with children one day. Then we had our son and it was all I could think about. At the time, we were only about two years into our frugal adventures and weren’t in a position where that was possible. It would have been so easy to give up, and just accept life as it was.
I gave myself a one year deadline. By his first birthday, I would be home with him. We worked our butts off that year.
We figured out how to organize our time and plan ahead to make meal planning predictable. We reduced our spending in every category of the budget and then came up with ways to make money from home. It turned out that when we put our goal on paper with a sense of urgency, it was pretty easy.
My last day of work was our son’s first birthday. I’m in my second year of staying home and we’re days away from having our second child. We’ve continued reducing our budget, and have increased the money I make from home.
I wanted to save you some of the work that I had to do, and give you a check-list that you can go through and decide which money saving habits to work on as well as a place to track your progress and list your goals. Most of these we’ve implemented, with some that we’re working on now.
This is a process. You won’t do all 200 this month and be done with it. Some of these take behavior modification and skill building. Start easy and build up to harder ideas. Set a date that you’ll reach this goal and then make it happen.
You can receive your FREE copy of the 14 page Ultimate Money Saving Workbook by subscribing to my newsletter below. As soon as you confirm your subscription, the checklist will be immediately mailed to you. You can subscribe by entering your email in the box below.
*I’ll send you a confirmation email and as soon as you confirm, and your workbook will be mailed directly to you.
This post may contain affiliate links. If you click & make a purchase, I receive a small commission that helps keep the Busy Budgeter up and running. Read my full disclosure policy here.
Stephanie says
I’m already subscribed!! 🙂 How do I get the list?
The Busy Budgeter says
Got you covered Stephanie, I just emailed it to you. Enjoy!
Amanda says
I’m already subscribed as well, but would love the book!
The Busy Budgeter says
Emailing you now Amanda! Enjoy!
The Busy Budgeter says
Hey Jennifer!
Did you get the confirmation email? Once you click to confirm, it’s automatically sent to you. Email me at [email protected] if you still have problems! Thanks!
Sylvia says
I’d love the workbook
Jasmine says
I’m already a subscriber! Would love the workbook!
The Busy Budgeter says
Hey Jasmine! Shoot me an email at [email protected] and we’ll get you set up!
SAHM says
Already subscribed but I would love the list.
Diona Culbertson says
Thank you for your research on this
The Busy Budgeter says
Happily Diona! It helped us stay focused by giving us something to focus on one or two at a time. It made a huge difference when we started mastering them. It’s kind of a snowball effect.
maritza says
how do I get the list?
The Busy Budgeter says
Hey Maritza! As soon as you sign up, you’ll get a confirmation email, asking you to confirm your subscription. If you don’t immediately see an email- check your spam folder. Once you confirm, that triggers another email with the link to download. If your still having trouble, email me at [email protected]
Julie Satterlie says
I signed up! How do I get the Ultimate Money Saving Checklist? Thanks!
The Busy Budgeter says
Hey Julie! As soon as you sign up, you’ll get a confirmation email, asking you to confirm your subscription. If you don’t immediately see an email- check your spam folder. Once you confirm, that triggers another email with the link to download. If your still having trouble, email me at [email protected]
Jenny says
Thank you! Can’t wait to read it!!
Jalena Chaney says
Need to save on our spending. Love to have the ultimate money saving checklist.
The Busy Budgeter says
Hey May! Just enter your name and email in the “subscribe” box in the right side bar, the checklist will be automatically emailed to you.
Deanna says
Looking forward to reading this
The Busy Budgeter says
I had fun making it, I’m glad it found it’s way to you!
ctg says
Great list! Thanks!
The Busy Budgeter says
I’m glad you like it!
Karla says
I need this can you please send me it.
The Busy Budgeter says
Karla, I put the subscription box directly into the post now so you can find it easier:)
jackie says
I subscribe to get my list in my email. And now I dont know where to get the list
The Busy Budgeter says
Hey Jackie! When you subscribe to the newsletter, it sends you a confirmation email. As soon as you confirm your subscription by clicking the link, it’s automatically emailed to you. If you confirmed and don’t see it, check your spam folder. If it’s not there, let me know and I’ll send it to you.
Tuchedda Chamberlain says
I need this .
The Busy Budgeter says
Just enter your email above Tuchedda. It’s a great resource!
The Busy Budgeter says
Hey Jessica, it goes straight to your inbox (you have to confirm your subscription by clicking the link I sent you), then the workbook is mailed to you right after. If you have problems, just email me at [email protected]
Penny Johnson says
i am hoping this budget gets me on a no spending and a not road. I “want” too much and with credit cards so handy and you use them for whatever.
The Busy Budgeter says
You can do this Penny! Don;t go for huge changes, just start small and gain momentum.
Lorie M. says
I’m already subscribed! How can I get a copy of the workbook?
The Busy Budgeter says
Got you covered Lori… I just emailed it to you. If you subscribed recently, it gets automatically sent to you. Either way, you’re good to go now!
Jennifer Carrell says
Looking forward to this.
The Busy Budgeter says
Thanks Jennifer!
cami parks says
I would love this! Way to set a big goal and keep it!
The Busy Budgeter says
Thanks Cami! It took hard work but the results were well worth it. Now I just need to figure out how to get these kids to nap! 🙂
Monica Jeffers says
Hi, I am subscribed and would love the book. Can you send me a link? Thanks so much for your many ideas.
The Busy Budgeter says
Hi Monica! Did you confirm your email? Once you confirm it will automatically send you the download. Email me at [email protected] if it doesn’t. Thanks!
Remle says
It won’t let me subscribe. I put in my info and click subscribe and nothing happens. How do I get this book?
Summer Hanks says
Would love for you to send me a copy. Thanks in advance!
Cathy Slife says
Looking forward to getting this info. Thank you.
The Busy Budgeter says
You’re very welcome Cathy! I hope you enjoyed it!
Ivanna says
I am having trouble subscribing to the email list. Should I send you an email?
The Busy Budgeter says
Yes Ivanna! If you check your email (occasionally it can get sent to your spam folder), you’ll have a link to confirm your subscription. As soon as you confirm, the workbook will be sent to you. Email me at [email protected] if your still having trouble, I can manually do it and send you the workbook personally. Thanks for reaching out!
Tanya says
Have subscribed and would love the book please? All the way I’m Cape Town South Africa! Thnx
The Busy Budgeter says
Woah! That’s so awesome! I’ve been to Canada… That’s my extensive world travels. 🙂 The ebook goes straight to your inbox once you confirm, if you still haven;t gotten it, email me at [email protected] (or let me know here and I’ll take care of it). Thanks!
Nancy says
Thanks so much for caring enough to share this with us! Cannot wait to implement your ideas in my family’s life. Thanks again!!!
Melanie says
Can’t seem to subscribe 🙁
The Busy Budgeter says
Ack! Melanie, We seem to be having that problem a lot. I’m fixing it right now and starting over. Sorry for the frustration!
Megan says
im trying to subscribe but it’s not sending! Help! Lol
The Busy Budgeter says
It’s fixed now Megan! You’re all set!
The Busy Budgeter says
I’d love to give it Sherry! Email me at [email protected]
Stephanie vanderscheer says
Family of 8. Want despratly to be at home with my new born, 1 month and 1 week old.
The Busy Budgeter says
That was my goal as well Stephanie, though I definitely don’t have as many little ones as you! Hopefully some of these tips will help make that happen, good luck!
Stephanie vanderscheer says
I posted my email but havent seen anyrhing as of yet.
The Busy Budgeter says
Did you receive a confirmation email Stephanie? Please check to make sure it didn’t land in a “spam” folder as well!
Kris boling says
HI I’m new on here,(your blog) 🙂 but really would love the help! Please send all you can!
Jennifer Bratcher says
Single mom looking for ways to save and would love this workbook.
Candice says
I have subscribed twice and did not receive the workbook link or the email confirmation that links to another printable you were giving out for the 90 day boot camp. Could you please send both I am very excited and want to try them. Thanks
The Busy Budgeter says
Hi Candice! I am so sorry you were unable to sign up, but if you can send an email to [email protected], Jennifer will get you everything you need.
Happy Turkey Day 🙂
The Busy Budgeter says
Hi Vicky! If you send an email to [email protected] Jennifer will get you all set up. Have a great holiday 🙂
Chastty Murphy says
I am subscribed already and would love this book.
The Busy Budgeter says
Hi! If you email us at [email protected], Jennifer will send you the workbook 🙂
Christy says
Signed up already! Would really like to add this workbook to my others?! TIA
Tess Yates says
Hi Rosemarie – thanks for this information, it’s very helpful. My husband and I are taking the sessions for the Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University. We’re 4 weeks into the 9 week program and have already had to complete a budget, spending plan and a snowball worksheet to pay off debt. I think the program has a lot of useful insight and information (we get a workbook as well as his book “Dave Ramsey’s A Complete Guide to Money”), but my husband and I find the video portion of the sessions to be a little ‘intense’. I like to look at things (research) and find resources that allow me to take things at my pace. I’ve already signed up and confirmed my subscription, so could you please add me to your list for “The Ultimate Money Saving Workbook”? I’ve already started the Transform Your Finances 6-step challenge- great post! Thanks so much!
Ashley says
I would love a copy of this workbook and am enrolled in the hot mess to home success class. What do I need to do next? I don’t see a spot to sign up for this particular work book. Thanks!
The Busy Budgeter says
Hey Ashley!
You can email us a [email protected] and I can get it over to you!