I used to have this fantasy… That I’ll be able to take a month (or two) off from work and chores to learn how to live life better. I’ve even mentally designed my program. I’ll be taught Yoga, Pilates, Budgeting, Investing, Child Care, Organization, DIY Projects, Stress Reduction, Working Out, and Time Management. I still think it’s a genius idea, but since no one has actually planned it, it’s not happening anytime soon.
However, thanks to a horrendous 1 hour commute each way in DC/Northern Virginia traffic, I’m one step closer to my goal.
My old system:
Run out of the house a few minutes late every day, feeling my blood pressure climb as DC drivers cut me off, drive on the shoulder, text on their phones through green lights, run red lights and in general make me want to call in sick at the thought of doing this for an hour, working 8.5 hours, then doing this for an hour again at the end of the shift.
My new system:
Wake up 10 minutes early, pack my breakfast to go (whole wheat english muffin with peanut butter and honey wrapped in foil) or sit down to eat pancakes, and pick one of the Audio books on CD to listen to from the library.
I take out about 6 at a time (good for about 12 days), and cycle through the areas that I feel my life needs the most work in: Finances and Budgeting, Stress Reduction, Organization, Working Out, Time Management, Child Care, Health Info (since I’m 6 months pregnant – I’ve been doing pregnancy guides and labor guides), and Nutrition Info. I search Amazon’s self help books for the most recommended titles, reserve them on the library website, and then go pick them up.
I’ve done this for two months straight now and I actually look forward to my commute. (Especially when it’s a finance book day- I love the changes the info has brought into my life and it empowers me to make confident decisions.) I honestly think I’ve learned more in the last two months of commuting then I learned in four years of college. My commute is completely stress free, I take my time and just relax.
As a bonus, I’ve committed to spending 2 hours a day to bettering my life, which is something that few people can say.
The self help audio books that made the biggest impact on me…
Dave Ramsey – The Total Money Make-Over
David Allen – Getting Things Done
Ruth Soukup – How to Blog for Profit Without Selling your Soul
Marie Kondo- The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up
Gary Chapman – Five Love Languages
Steven Covey- 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
What are your favorite self help audio books?
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