Do you spend hours agonizing over how to quit a job you hate? But feel like you’re stuck?
Do you feel like there has to be more to life than long hours, insane stress, crazy schedules, and coming home to “work” on the house, raising your family, etc.
I can still remember what that felt like.
I worked a constantly changing schedule, sometimes 16 days without a day off, and with no hope of any sort of normal life because my husband and I were working opposite schedules.
When we had our first child. I wanted out.
I would have traded anything to be able to come home with him and have a normal life.
But, in my job, I felt like I had no skills that would transfer to a “normal job.” And changing departments wouldn’t help because anywhere I went would likely have the same issues.
To make matters worse, we had over $30,000 in debt and couldn’t stick to a budget to save our lives.
My husband, understandably, was not a fan of me trying to quit. I mean, if we couldn’t stick to a budget with two decent salaries, how in the world would we stick to a budget with one salary?
Every time I brought it up, I was discouraged.
Then there were the guys at work, who would constantly tell me that what I was feeling was pregnancy hormones and that I’m only 16 years away from retirement, so don’t throw it all away.
16 years guys. 16 years!
So, I’d half-heartedly apply to other jobs, get constantly rejected, and reinforce the idea that it was impossible for me to leave.
Why Quit?
Then I had that baby.
And one look into those eyes lit a fire in me that to this day has never been extinguished.
I set a goal that day that I would be home with him on his first birthday come hell or high water.
I had no idea where to start or what I was doing. I just needed to figure out how to quit a job you hate. Easy, right?
I made a lot of mistakes in the beginning. But, my last day of work was on his first birthday.
We had reduced our spending by over $23,000 a year, I quit my job and then made up my entire salary from home by running a home daycare.
I actually teach this, in the step by step course Exit Strategy: How To Quit The Job You Hate (even if you live paycheck to paycheck).
Maybe the idea of running a home daycare (especially after quarantining for a few months!) doesn’t sound like a better deal to you… but it was perfect for my personality.
If you feel stuck in a job that you hate, I need you to understand something with perfect clarity.
No one is going to save you.
If you just keep doing the same thing you’ve been doing, your entire life will pass you by and you will still be in the same spot.
Because the perfect opportunity isn’t going to seek you out and fall in your lap.
Take Control of Your Future.
The truth is that you can do anything you want in the world, and the only one standing in your way is YOU.
If you don’t want to be stuck anymore, you don’t have to be.
Look at the things that aren’t working in your life (including your job), and figure out what would make them better.
Then make a plan.
If you spend a ton of time thinking about how to quit a job you hate and have no idea how to get started… this is for you.
Because Exit Strategy: How to Quit The Job You Hate (even when you live paycheck to paycheck) gives you the FREEDOM to control your schedule, your time, and your life.
We walk you through every step…
How to Budget So You Can Quit or Change Jobs.
Learn how to unlock budgeting miracles with the happiness factor. (When I did this, I went from never being able to stick to a budget to immediately reducing our spending by over $23,000 the first year!)
I know what you’re thinking… Wait! What if I can’t stick to a budget?! Does that mean I can’t quit?
Nope. This course is set up to guarantee that if you follow the steps you get to quit the job you hate without crazy leaps of faith or risky moves.
First off, I have every faith that we’re going to get you to stick to a budget if we can’t then that will alter the jobs that we can switch to and it limits our options, but we’ve dealt with this before.
We’ll look at your unique situation and either go for jobs that pay more (if the issue is low pay) or look into jobs that work from home (which can be a HUGE boost for people who are trying to control their spending).
The solution here is going to depend a lot on your unique situation, but we’ll determine what the underlying reason is that you can’t stick to your budget, and then adjust the plan to work around that.
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How to Use Your Personality to Determine Jobs You’ll Thrive In.
Do you have what it takes to be an entrepreneur? Or a Blogger?
Why do you hate your job right now? How do we prevent you from hating your next job?
We show you how to take a deep dive into your personality so that you end up with a job that you have the natural aptitude to thrive in.
That means that if you need skills to get this job, they’re easy for you. Because you’re made to excel in them.
It also means that when you tailor your applications, you skyrocket your chances of being hired. You know exactly why you’re perfect for this job and how to express that.
As a bonus, this also means that you won’t spend a small fortune on classes or inventory if you don’t have the personality to be successful at that.
The fact is that if you’ve been fighting for years at trying to “work from home” or quit your job and you haven’t done it. You’re likely going after someone else’s dream and not your own.
Here’s the bottom line…
Will you really care what your title is if you’re in a job that you love, which supports your family, and fits your exact personality and needs?
Which is the problem with every course that teaches you a skill, like blogging, or proofreading, or how to be a VA and every company that recruits you to sell their makeup, leggings, or pots and pans.
If you want to work from home, you feel like THIS opportunity that just landed in your lap is THE way to do it. When in fact, it’s one of the thousands of ways to do it.
And if you try it and it doesn’t work, you’re back to feeling like a failure. But really you’re just chasing a dream that’s perfect for someone else,. And you’re completely ignoring the dream that would have been perfect for you.
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How to Determine Your Unique Needs.
Once we’re done determining your personality, we look at your unique needs.
From the non-negotiable needs like caring for a child with severe medical issues (and multiple appointments a week) or your own medical issues (like Fibromyalgia or ADHD) to needs for your ideal lifestyle.
Ideal lifestyle needs would be things like wanting to be able to home school, wanting to stay home with a baby, wanting ultimate control of your schedule with no outside deadlines (fun fact: that last one was mine), or wanting to start every morning of your day with a cup of Mint Chocolate Oolong tea on your back porch then taking a home Yoga class….
Whatever your ideal lifestyle is… we figure out what it is and how to get it… WITHOUT risk.
It’s absolutely essential that we understand that we’re not taking crazy leaps of faith here or just going for it. Because while sometimes that leads to success, more often that leads to bitterness and regret (and possibly homelessness).
How to quit a job you hate is a very calculated process.
Let’s be realistic here, we have people that rely on us for food and shelter. We’re not doing ANYTHING that’s going to put our families at risk. What we’re doing is stepping out a reasonable path on a reasonable deadline to quit our jobs and we’re using our personalities to make it work for us.
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Determining Your Top Job.
Using your personality and unique needs, we’ll determine your top jobs. By using a database and then looking at how difficult it will be to land those jobs. We’ll pick the path of least resistance and go after the job that has the easiest route. It’s the best way since all three of your top jobs will be perfect for your personality, aptitude, and unique needs.
Because, yes… you can go back to school, spend another 40k on college to get a job that qualifies you in a job you love. Or, you can grab the job that requires a specific skill set that you can learn for about $200 that also qualifies you for a job you’ll love.
That’s why it’s so important to see all of your choices at once.
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Follow Through to Land The Job.
Then we’ll step out a path (again, using the best results for the least amount of effort) to get that job. And when I say “job”, it may be that you end up being a freelancer, or an entrepreneur, or working for someone else. This course is personalized to your unique situation.
But whatever you end up with… We teach you how to follow through and actually land the job of your dreams.
We have an emphasis on the whole course specifically for working at home. The vast majority of our students end up choosing jobs that they can do from home. Trust me, the ability to switch a load of laundry was life-changing even before the Coronavirus.
The course is personalized to you whether you want to work from home or switch to a different job outside of the home. It also works even if you end up wanting to quit and stay home. (We teach you how to do that too, even if you need to baby-step your way there with part-time work).
And of course, we have a 100% no questions asked money-back guarantee.
You can get Exit Strategy here…
Plus, I wanted to make sure that you have EVERYTHING you need and I know that many of you will end up in work from home jobs, so I’m also giving everyone who enrolls in the course a free bonus
The Work From Home Time Block Strategy will show you how to use your unique personality to get the most out of your work from home day. (Hint: Your goal from using the Work From Home Time Block Strategy is to get 7 hours of free time from every working day… And yes… it’s possible. While still managing your home and being the most productive you’ve ever been (if you use your unique personality).
I’m going to teach you the four-step system that GUARANTEES you get to quit the job you hate. And, you’ll end up in one that you LOVE.
You can get Exit Strategy here…
Sneak Peek
Here’s a sneak peek of one of the lessons in Exit Strategy: How to Quit The Job You Hate.
Jill makes $3,000/month working shift work outside of the home.
Take-Home Pay: $3,000/month
- -$1,700 Being able to cancel daycare if she chooses to work from home.
- -$150 The money that Jill spends on coffee, lunches out at work, etc. (While Jill could just cut these out of her budget either way, she’s had the opportunity to do that before and never has.)
- -$450 The amount that Jill reasonably believes she can reduce her family’s grocery budget. Jill and her husband both work shift work and spend over $1,200 to feed their family of 4. They often eat out and have schedules that change frequently, making it difficult to meal plan. (Side note – Jill can likely reduce this much more, but I like that she’s conservative here.)
Which ends up being equal to $700 – This is the amount that Jill “makes” by working outside of the home every month.
Now, if she loves her job… Awesome! Her kids will be in school in a few years and it will all work out.
But if she’s only doing her job because she thinks she has no other choice and is stuck, then Jill just learned that she works insane hours, is always stressed, and is trying to be a decent mom while daycare gets to see the babies that she would give anything to be home with to earn a measly $700 a month or about $4.06/hour profit.
Jill wants to work from home, but that measly $700/month she would need to make up (and really she was struggling before so it would have to be more) seems ominous and overwhelming.
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Reduce Spending
The second step that Jill needs to take is to reduce her current expenses for a short time to give herself a buffer. This will help her create an emergency fund (that she doesn’t currently have), learn to live on less money, and give her an easy, less stressful transition to stay at home.
The goal is for Jill to save $700/month in her budget, at least until she quits her job so that she can see that it’s possible before she even looks for ways to make money from home.
Doing this first mitigates much of the risk involved in quitting your job. It means your “worst case scenario” is that you live on the same budget you have been living on and you’re no worse and no better. (There’s still a few more risks, but we have ways to mitigate those too, which we’ll talk about later.)
Jill ends up doing the following:
- Reducing “fun money” or random spending (events, books, toys, etc.) from $300/month to $100/month.
- Canceling cable and her hardline phone (they still have cell phones) to save $120/month.
- Cutting the amount spent on Christmas, birthdays, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Valentine’s Day, and their anniversary. This saves $800 over a year (averaging $66/month).
- Exchanging hand-me-downs in a trade group for kid’s clothes, eliminating the cost of new clothes for her kids, saving $30/month.
- Switching to Republic Wireless from AT&T and saving $80/month on their cell phones.
- Checking competing prices for auto insurance and saving $20/month by switching.
- Canceling their music subscription and now just using Pandora or Spotify, saving $9.99/month.
- Switching to an RX by mail program and saving $8/month
- Switching to Target brand diapers and saving $15/month.
- Stops highlighting her hair, saving $86.00/month.
- Learning to clip her husband’s hair, saving $20/month.
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Her Results
She finds that she doesn’t even notice the reduced spending and is crazy excited about the possibility of getting to leave her job but is still really stressed about money.
Now that she’s reduced her expenses (which was much easier when she was motivated by something she wants like staying home).
Shouldn’t she just stay in her current job and pay off her debt?
On paper, that probably looks like the right answer.
But here’s the secret…
Jill had tried budgeting for years and always gave up. Now she’s knocked it out of the park and reduced her spending easily in just a few months.
And saved up almost $3,000 with the savings put in an emergency fund because she knew she would need it.
Because Jill found something in life worth fighting for. Jill saw an opportunity to be happy and less stressed. And as a bonus, she is FINALLY getting to live a life that she’s excited about.
She moved mountains because she was motivated.
And that is the secret to quitting your job. Where there’s a will, there’s a way. And we’re not done with Jill’s story yet.
Jill can find a way to make money at home. And, it will put her in a better financial position than she was when she worked out of the house.
And that’s exactly what happened.
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Make Extra Money
Could Jill just stay at home without working? Technically yes.
Her new budget puts her in the same financial situation she was in before we started this journey with her. But she still has a whole lot of debt. And, she was barely making ends meet before.
So Jill does some soul searching. What does she love to do? What type of personality does she have? In what situations does she thrive?
What could she do that would never feel like work and gives her the ability to be a parent first, earn income second, and stay home with her kids?
Jill takes her love of kids and teaching and her personal history (Jill grew up in a house that speaks Spanish) and teaches ESL classes online while she stays home raising her kids. Within just a few months, Jill was making $1,000 a month working 15 hours a week doing something that gave her passion and purpose and didn’t feel like work.
She paid off her debt in less than three years. And now she plans to work 20 hours a week when her kids end up going to school.
Her life is COMPLETELY different than what it was when she started this journey. She’s happy, fulfilled, and finally gets to live the life she always wanted.
But here’s the thing…
Jill’s story is extremely personal to her. My journey was extremely personal to me. Your journey may look completely different from both of ours.
There isn’t one path that works for everyone to be able to quit your job. It depends on what your “perfect life” looks like, your finances, your personality, and a few other things.
So, when we created Exit Strategy, we knew we needed to give you a way to navigate all of those things to make this possible and then actually figure out how to find and land the job of your dreams.
It was a tall order.
And I’m happy to say that we rocked it.
You’re not stuck. We can teach you how to quit a job you hate. And more importantly, we can teach you how to land the job you’ll LOVE.
You can grab Exit Strategy: How to Quit The Job You Hate (even if you live paycheck to paycheck) here…
Until recently, I was “Jill”, staying in a job that I hated because I thought I had to. I started blogging and doing some odd jobs few years ago, and made a plan to get out of that job. I love reading posts about creating a strategy to quit a job, because it makes me feel like I did the right thing (I know it, but every once in awhile, that feeling creeps up on me). Great post 🙂
This makes me think about a famous quote: “Find a job you love and you’ll never work a day in your life” 🙂