I’m so excited to announce that just as we hit 3 million pageviews, Born Free Northern Virginia is finally growing up into a big girl blog. 🙂 I’m officially moving to my own private domain website. This gives me tons of exciting opportunities and is long overdue.
I originally started this blog during the pregnancy of my first son as a way to keep busy while resting. I expected my Mom to be my one and only fan. What it became is much larger than I ever could have expected and writing grew to mean a lot to me. You guys grew to mean a lot to me. I found friends locally who love the same things that I do, that I never would have discovered without this outlet. I found out that I’m not alone in my love of all things budgeting.
When I move this weekend, Born Free Northern Virginia will take on a new identity as it grows up.
The Busy Budgeter struck me as the perfect name because while I give tips and tricks on living a simple life, decluttering, organizing, budgeting, and easy recipes, everything is written from the perspective of budgeting. I’m a fan of the bottom line, what will this cost you?, what will you save?, and is it worth it?. We all have way too many things on our plates right now, and we need inside information to save money easily.
Starting this weekend, you can find us at https://www.busybudgeter.com/. Because of the way that these emails are set up through the free blogger site, I won’t be able to take you all with me. You’ll be able to head to the new site this Sunday, September 7th 2014 at 6pm and you can subscribe to my email list there. You’ll still be able to go to http://www.bornfreenorthernvirginia.com and it will redirect you to the new site.
Thank you so much for all your support over the years, and I can’t wait to start the next leg of this journey!
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