This fourth of July, My darling husband decided that he wanted to teach me how to silkscreen the extra plain onsies that we had from our baby showers onsie decorating table. I was skeptical. I was picturing blotchy paint all over the onsies (and most likely, our furniture and cats).
I’m happy to admit that he did AWESOME!! I was amazed at the quality and appearance of these! If I had more time, I would totally set up an Etsy silk screening shop. The best part is how uncomplicated they were, I honestly feel like anyone could do it. He did two layers – Meaning you silkscreen one color and then overlap another color to make a two color design. We kept it simple and used our Cricut cutting machine to cut out a design.
I’ll send you over to his Instructables Site for the full step by step process since he did such a great job of explaining in step by step instructions with photos at each step. I’m totally picturing all the cool stuff you can do with this- Team tee shirts! Take the time to set up one screen and you can do a whole team’s tee shirts in just a few minutes! Jot him a note if you have any questions or success stories, I’m dying to see what the truly creative people can do with this!
Full instructions available at:
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