Our Family’s Yearly Christmas Ornament DIY.
The Cheapest, Easiest,
Family Christmas Ornament Tutorial
Every year, we either make or buy a family Christmas Ornament to commemorate the year. If we have a major vacation that year (Maine, or Disney World), we’ll buy our ornament on vacation. If not, we’ll make one. My favorite ornaments don’t just have the year on it, but represents what that year meant to us as a family. Christmas is my favorite time to reflect on where we’ve been and where we’re going.
We buy a cheap acrylic plain Christmas ornament (Amazon, Walmart, and Michaels Crafts all have them for less than $1), write the year on it in Sharpie, then write in the biggest events of the year so we can remember them every Christmas. You can fill the ornament with glitter, polyfill (for a snow effect), with a tiny house, trees etc.), or just leave it plain. If your kids are old enough to write, have them write their favorite memories of the year. Try not to offer suggestions to them, let them write what comes to mind, even if it’s the time Grampa lost his dentures in an apple.
The things your grateful for.
Your accomplishments last year.
Your goals for next year.
The people who you spent your year with.
Favorite movies, songs, TV shows etc.
Christmas memories (write them as they happen).
* This is an affiliate link, if you use this link to make purchases through Amazon, I’ll get credit for your purchase, but it will not change your price at all. This is a way to grab enough ornaments for several years for less than $1.
As seen on Living Well, Spending Less “Thrifty Thursday” Link up. Click here to check out all of the other ideas!
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