Budgeting isn’t my life. Budgeting shouldn’t be your life. Budgeting is a way to achieve what we want in this world, whatever that may be. I would never say, “save as much money as you can so that you can have a huge retirement account and enjoy it later” (although that’s a great idea!). What you do with the money saved is completely up to you. You can take the kids to Disney, buy a boat, a plane, or cruise Alaska. You can have the house of your dreams, or a summer cabin on the lake. Budgeting is how you get all of those things. Chances are, that if you lived frugally, (not denying yourself things that you need, just ensuring that you only purchase what is important to you), you could afford those things mentioned.
The problem with budgeting is that it’s a skill. It takes time to learn and get better. It’s easy to give up and fall into the way that we had been doing things. This doesn’t have to be all or nothing. Make a few changes, try them out, get used to them and go from there.
I collected a few of the budgeting resources for you here. Sit back, kick your feet up and browse through. Try a few things out, and if you want to save an article or idea, try Pinterest. You can pin the photos just by hovering over them.
Let’s start this journey by getting a working budget in place. Just do 1 step a week until you’re up and running, then we’ll move on.
How to Create a Budget: Easy, Step by Step Directions. Complete One Step a Week!