The Price Book Printable Pack
The easy way to track the prices on the things you frequently buy. This printable pack works well for both beginners and the more advanced couponer. You can hole punch the printable pack and place it in a 3 ring binder, or you can get it professionally bound at your local Staple or Office Max for around $3 (prices differ based on location).
We save thousands of dollars every year by tracking prices on things that we buy frequently and stocking up when the items hit their low price. The Price Book has been instrumental in our success!
The Price Book printable pack includes:
- Designed cover
- Instructions on how to use
- Tracking pages by category, which allows your to track prices at 3 different stores for one item on one line.
- Tracking pages by item, which allows you to compare different brands prices over several stores.
- A cheat sheet of well known sales cycles.
- A monthly sales cycle price list to track the sales cycle of products you purchase.
- A cheat sheet of common items to track to help you think of items to start tracking.